Which Fictional Character would you date?

Entering Valentine Month has got me into planning a perfect imaginary date. From delicious food, the best way to spend time together and beautiful surroundings to a perfect partner. All the romance books I have read until now have confused me about which hero to choose. After all, all of them have something to offer that I would give anything to experience.

I don’t hope for “Jason Thorn” to come and sweep me off my feet with his jealous antics, but I do imagine him showering me with affection. 

I hope to have a Liam, whose mere presence can calm down my panic attacks and bring me back to the present, the only person who can offer me an escape from my nightmares.

At the same time, I want to launch Operation Emotion and see Alex Volkov smile just for me. The joy of having a grumpy special one who shows their soft side only to you is unimaginable.

I even hope to have someone like the Ryle who sent Lily flowers from her own shop, just to make her smile. I wish to have an Atlas who would love me forever. I wish to be someone’s Lily who will love them openly and save them however she can.

I wish to be Lucy as Cooper helps her, see herself in a new light. Even if he plans to spoil my date, even I won’t mind laughing with a jealous Cooper without an ounce of hate.

I want to experience love like Patroclus loved Achilles, love enough to care for them even after your death. I want to be an Achilles, who would do anything for the person they love.

I want to receive letters filled with raw emotions like the ones that Henry and Alex exchanged. If that is too much, then the sweet love notes like Peter and Lara Jean exchanged.

People say that Romantic novels give their readers unrealistic expectations for their special ones. I say they give us ideas on how to show our love and how to make our relationship special. 

Even when we pine over bookish boyfriends and hope to have them someday, we are only realizing all the things that people do in love and what we would like to experience.

Romance haters recognize these to be unreal but are they sure? Yes, some things seem over the top but we know they can not be possible, realistically. My question to you is, don’t you enjoy escaping reality and imagining yourself instead of the characters? Feeling all that love, devotion and care their love interest showers them with?

I request you to enjoy romance this month. Read at least one book. Choose a trope you would wish for in real life. You might discover something new to love. 

Mention your opinions in the comment section below. Participating in the #writeapageaday challenge with Blogchatter has given me the opportunity to reply to each of your opinions and include them in my blog.

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