I was not aware of the genre of this book before reading it. And I must say, this is the first book that I have read, despite its difficult language, complicated writing style, and confusing genre. However you must understand that by these terms I do not mean to insult the book, I merely aim to state that being someone who is used to reading simple books this is what it felt like to me.
This book was an entry for me into a new world of reading. I was confused, bored, and even angry but I never stopped being fascinated. The mystery of Paolomi kept me hooked throughout. I read and re-read sentences trying to figure out the hidden meanings. I am still not sure if I understood it right, but if someone asks me for my opinion, I will still recommend this book. Not only because I liked the story, but because I loved the experience. As someone who had started reading for a mere five-minute break, I couldn’t stop reading for the next 3 hours as I was pulled deeper and deeper into this world that you have built.
The title, “Ocean is her” is apt, because this book itself is an ocean that invites the readers to fall into its depths. It tries to drown the reader in its world while motivating them to make sense of its waves and to try to look for an escape.
I don’t know if this was the motive of the book or not, but I believe that this story invites you to make whatever you want of it. If you wish, it can be a tale of hope, it can be a tale of fate, it can be a tale of passion, it can be whatever you want. All you have to do is open the book and imagine. All the characters in the book are magical. Be it Ms. Scientist, Ms. Ocean, Trisha, or Agatha, you are made to question their reality. It is an experience that takes you to a faraway land and still keeps you in touch with reality through fascinating views on topics like democracy, child labor, gender equality, the stigma around mental health, etc.
If you expect a summary from me, I am sorry I can not do so. But, I will definitely say that it is an adventure worth embarking on, one that you will remember forever.